Friday, November 16, 2012

First computer programmer

        First computer programmer is Ada Lovelace. She is daughter of the poet Lord Byron.

   In 1841, at a seminar in Turin, Italy, Babbage presented his plans for the Analytical Engine and reported its developments.  Shortly after the seminar, Italian mathematician, Luigi Menabrea, wrote a summary about Babbage’s Analytical Engine and published his memoir in French. Babbage tasked Ada to translate Menabrea’s summary into English and encouraged her to add her own notes. Ada’s translation and copious notes eventually produced a report three times as long as the memoir itself, her crowning achievement.  In particular, the last section of her notes described a method to calculate Bernoulli numbers using the Engine’s arithmetic capabilities. Through this single manipulation, Lovelace created the first piece of software nearly 100 years before the word software was even invented.

 Machine language is the basic low-level programming language designed to be recognized by a computer. This language is composed only 0 and 1. But for human language, not only 0 and 1. That's diffirent between machine language and human language

  • 0000 = 0
  • 0001 = 1
  • 0010 = 2
  • 0011 = 3
  • 0100 = 4
  • 0101 = 5
  • 0110 = 6
  • 0111 = 7
  • 1000 = 8
  • 1001 = 9

"Ada Lovelace, The First Programmer." Ada Lovelace, The First Programmer. N.p., 16 Oct. 2012. Web. 16 Nov. 2012. <>.

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