Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Article review:: EdTech Startup Papermache Aims To Inspire Better Online Research

The academia has been reluctant to accept internet sources cause a lot of bad information exists by internet research. To solve this problems, LA start up Papermache. It will be combine with a social network and a digital portfolio. Students can share their graded research paper with their peers. People who use this one will read, up and down vote, discuss. Even perspective of their peers in a safe and collaborative environment.

  " I was wondering what problems students had writing research papers which I thought was a universal assignment. I found myself talking to my roommate who was a different major than me. We both had papers to write. but could easily findcommon ground and brain storm off of each other. My goal was to extend this conversation online where students could get help in the form of ideas and citations all in one place.” said Founder Benjamin Fenigsohn.

  May students will be able to reach out for their future follaboration withe their peers. It will develop student and better written papers. Even rase th colletive users awarness.

  Students get more interest in the subjects an they study with answering a critical problem. So al, Papermache gots amazing feedbacks and support from faculty.

- Is this really good as this article?
- Why is it have only advantage? how about the disadvantage?

   In my opinon, 'no disscusion of disadvantage' is dis advantage. Even it's really good as this artcle, prabobly there will be at least one disadvantage. Advantage is many things as follow this article. It's introduce how is it good. Much more people can know and make them to want to use it.

"EdTech Startup Papermache Aims To Inspire Better Online Research." Edudemic. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Jan. 2013.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Article review

                This article talking about the newthings as updates and apps that peoeple excited of it. There are nine things. EBay, Evernote, Futicracy, FXGuru, Bloom.fm, Paragraph Shorts, Steampunk Racing 3D, Noble Nutlings, Death Golf.

  • First one is EBay that for iPhone and ipad. For those Ebay, they can use faster checkout. It will be moe easier to spend cash. Follow this, you may get quickr and improved process for selling. It will make things as adding pictures.

  • Second, Evernote. It's for Windows Phone. It include a PIN lock option fo primium users, lists within app. Even you can edit the style of text. At least you can stop mess around and get it down to business.

From third (Fitocraxy) to sixth are about New Apps.

  • Thrid, Fitocraxy. It's for Android. This app may help you to play more video game. You can earn more experience points and goals by turning you to hero in a real life video game.

  • Forth is FXGuru. This one also for Android. By using this application, you can make your video as movie style.

  • Fifth, Bloon.fm. Bloon.fm is for iPhone.  It's a streaming music app. You can pay $1.50 to $15 a month.  you can get unlimited number of songs from what you paid

  • Sixth is Paragrahp shorts. It's in iPad. You can read some articles, magazines by this application.

From Seventh, all about the New Games

  • Seventh is Sreampunk Racing 3D. It's for android. As the name, you can play racing with 3D.

  • Eighth, Noble Nutlings. It's for iOS.It's also game that to racing. The cart with squirrels! There have 36 levels.

  • Final is Death Golf. It's also for iOS. This one also same as name. It's a golf game. You can do speacial powers to counter the attacks and upgrade.

My opinion

▶ I think those are good upgrade. People want new one every times, and more comfortable tings. It will may help to be comfortable, fun, enjoyable! There have person who think electronic things make people to not talk or do not exercise, not go out. but I think if it's not too much, It's good thing to upgrade more and more !

"Apps and Updates worth Downloading: EBay, Fitocracy, Noble Nutlings, and More." Digital Trends. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Jan. 2013.