Monday, March 25, 2013

Article Review:: The Truth About Google Glasses

Article Review:: The Truth About Google Glasses

      As the title of article, it is about the Google glasses. Nowadays the Google Glass is on the tip of everyone's tongue. And It is more developer than before. Actually Google Glass is a computer. On your hands with a camera. But it's haven't been paying attention and that is the big thing that missed in technology.

      It might record what you see, what you hear, everything that you see and hear. It also mini heads up dis play, and Fancy stuff.Yes, It might looked cool. by the way, you can read the comic which is TheJoyOfTech which is about the Google Glasses.

Here is TheJoyOfTech!

       This cartoon shows some interesting happen and it might give you some question of Google Glasses. Well..., Imagine about that, Someone is wearing Google Glasses then come to you. It might record your face, voice, whatever you did. Is that legal? It's possible be your first question. you might also ask that how people would act about that Google Glasses. Google is pushing as regardless and It is actually expensive. I mean, It has high price which is between $1,000 and $1,500. That's not just pretty expensive. It's just expensive. Anybody ever said bleeding edge technology was cheap but It's too expensive to buy it. I also agree with that, It makes me wonder just how many people will buy Google Glass when it price like that. But in this article, they don't expect the price to drop down. Because they love to have Google Glass on their heads ASAP. However, In my opinion, I have no idea is it really good idea or not. Actually are we really need to record whatever we seeing? I don't think so. As I just said, It is expensive. How many people going to buy and support money for it? It might not really many people.

      I don't care you want to buy or not, because it's not of my business. But before you buy it, you should think a lot and be careful with spend your money. First, It is expensive and second, What would you use Google Glasses for. I think the article writer has positive opinion of it but for it, I don't. I have negative opinion of it. Yes it is awesome to see how our technology is developed, but when I saw the price of it and the cartoon, I just turn my mind. I think it's waste money.  As you see, It's possible to use it as bad things. I will not give examples of those bad things, you might know what are they. Anyway, people have different perception, so I am pretty sure that some are think that it's cool and awesome, or have to have it. That's all about my opinion. :) The article also introduced of their twitter and Facebook,  Google+ Which is you can see the update of all the latest from Microsoft, Google, Apple and the Web.

"Humor: The Truth About Google Glasses | Redmond Pie." Redmond Pie RSS. Oliver Haslam, 26 Feb. 2013. Web. 25 Mar. 2013. <>.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Article review:: Code or Die: The Future Of Work?

Article review :: CODE OR DIE

~The Future of work?~

      It's separated to three parts and etc. First part of title is 'Coding is Not Magic (Not really)' and Second is 'It Takes Much More Than That' then, next is 'Coding Might Be Essential To Creating Your Own Job' which is third part. Probably you will know what this article is about by this titles. Yes, It's about the CODE! The writer also mention about the video which is warning about the importance of codes. And this article is explain how is it important. 
      First, Nowadays people are using smart phone and being happy with that by as games, chat with friends.etc. But people doesn't know how is code behind applications. people might not feel that softwear as magic. but you might feel that as magic when someone make it as really beautiful and play around with codes. “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” said third law of Clarke. Do you agree with this? How people has gap between users and programmers? Before discuss this question, there is one thing that sure. Which is learning to code is not a magic pill to get into Silicon Valley.
      For second, It explain how is it important and useful to learn codes. Coding is a way that find problems and solve the problems. Codes would help you to solve the problems in everyday life. but it will takes long time to learn. However it takes long, leaning code are better than just a knack for taking to machines. It is great to have knowlege of programming and skills such as teamworking, leadership.

         In third part, as title which is 'Coding Might Be Essential To Creating Your Own Job' explain how is it useful. actually it has more detail example of  how it might use for the future. The picture of article, I mean the picture of this post shows that this is main part of article. For yourself, you might need to concider future and ready for it. Learning code would be great part of future. Why? Beacuse it makes every things that we use such as applications even computer system. It might future of self-employment. Most successful person are usually person who built something as creative. It might not possible to built, I mean create somthing would be not able without codes. Yes, you might think that everypeople are create their own tech company and make somthing. nowadays internet is really developed, so we can do what we want without know codes exactly such as Java or HTML makes it more easier to do. but if there is something, it also have person who made it. But you should know that that can have some limited things to do.

     It is possible to you get better idea than learning codes but it might help you a lot in apply something. whatever it is. And I also agree with that learning code can be very useful because you can do whatever you want by codes. You might possible to show how you creative and how you can explain or make lots things by codes. It would be biggest part in the future. The reason why i think it's important, nowadays technology is developed day by day. In the future, there will be more than this. But i also think that it would be more easier to make something without codes with same reason. Technology which is developed support you to do something and fix, solve the problems without that. I am pretty sure with that. Even I think that way, I know that codes are important. If you waiting for developed technology to support yourself, it's fine. but It might take long time than learning codes and spport yourself.

"Code or Die: The Future Of Work?" Andre Klein, n.d. Web

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Article review:: End of the line for online passwords, says PayPal

End of the line for online passwords, says PayPal

      This article is about the PayPal which is for passwords. People are usually use the same passwords for lots thing. It's not common to use different passwords and it's hard to remember. Probably you will know that the Most good passwords will be liked this '-Az1f6&jWz', But It would be hard to remember for you. Yes it is hard. but it will be dangerous without complicated password. Therefore, industry is looking for ditch password which is like PayPal ! Those Ditch passwords will have a variety of solutions like finger print and key stroke analysis and voice recognition. and the PayPal also kind of ditch passwords. 

       Now People who use password are 125 million customers in more than 190 countries. So, it is important password security problem. Since last April, the PayPal develops service for customer. Also the customer who using smart phone and tablet are increase. It may seem as PayPals' 'Untapped potential'; And as we know, The PayPal is not only company finding about the solutions which is 'don't require users racking their brains to remember passwords' In Sweden bahavioural biometric firm BehavioSec is developed system. it's already using in Swedish banks. The 'Biometric security'. you can use it; Pay my mobile bill. Open the app and say it. The phone will pay bill. It will identity through your voice

Developed Technology is really good thing and it may help our comfortable life. :)
But make sure you are not addicted to using gadgets.

Bowler, Tim. "End of the Line for Online Passwords, Says PayPal.
BBC News. BBC, 28 Feb. 2013. Web. 03 Mar. 2013.