Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Article review:: New toy for kid!

New Toy for kids!

~Article Review~

After I read this article, I feel that technology is developed a lot. I think I always saying this when I do the article review with things that I haven't see. As you see the picture, This is the toy that I trying to introduce today by article review. As title of my post, It's toy for kids. You can buy this giant robot for $20,000. It's from 'Sakakibara Kikai' production in japan. As you see, this giant robot is able to standing and ride it such as "Cyclops".those robots are 6 feet tall.

Those names are 'Landwalker'. If you search it, you will able to find some other information and pictures. and according to the article, there is landwalker for adults which are eleven foot tall robot. and It's also powerful, and equipped  air cannons that fire nerf balls. Actually this cyclops price is not yet published. but for guess which is from another kid drive-able robot in last year, It might be $20,000 as I already mention. 

Actually, It's my first time to see robot which is drive-able. I think I heard that few years ago in the TV. however, I never think that it's be able to buy. Because I thought that it might be only in seince contest, robot contest something like that. I have no idea how many people might buy this and play with this but I am pretty sure that It would be good for kids. On the other hand, I also thought that It might be little dangerous. Because kids wants to do whatever they want. while they run or play, there is possibility to bump with others. It might be big accident. anyway, it remind me again technology is developed  and be aware before ride it or buy it. :) 

Knapp, Alex. "In Japan, You Can Buy Your Kid A Giant Robot For $20,000." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 24 Apr. 2013. Web. 28 Apr. 2013. <http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2013/04/24/in-japan-you-can-buy-your-kid-a-mech-for-20000/>.

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